State Sen. Bill DeMora, D-Columbus, represents Ohio’s 25th Senate District, which encompasses areas of Franklin County, ...
The Statehouse Republican version would keep home grow and tax levels the same, but reduce THC levels and redirect most of ...
Despite warnings that Tennessee's hemp industry would be decimated, the House Judiciary Committee passed a measure Wednesday that would put stricter regulations in place.
Efforts to legalize recreational marijuana continue to gain momentum across the country, with several states on the cusp of ...
Connecticut's hemp farmers say one paragraph in state statute has all but destroyed the state's 7-year-old hemp industry.
The abusive attack on the will of Ohio voters has gained momentum. Last week, the Ohio Senate passed legislation to bulldoze state Issue 2, approved by 57% of state voters in November 2023. That ...
The Senate measure would go further than the House's in some ways. For instance, it would require volunteer petition ...
Idaho Legislative session started two months ago, and with more than 500 pieces of legislation introduced, keeping track of ...