Over ₹4.09 lakh was debited from the bank account of a 36-year-old man from Hyderabad after he clicked on an APK link sent by a fraudster claiming to provide subsidised loans under the Prime ...
At least eight cars and some cash was reduced to ashes in the Mahindra & Mahindra showroom blaze on Thursday night. After a three-hour firefighting operation, the fire was doused, preventing major ...
The Opposition Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) and the Congress government in Telangana traded charges, blaming each other, on the issue of water diversion by Andhra Pradesh from the existing projects, ...
A Chennai-based doctor emerged as the prime suspect, in addition to two gangs of mediators operating from Chennai and Visakhapatnam, in the Saroornagar kidney racket case.