Representatives from the Maryland Association of Counties minced no words when speaking to the Eastern Shore’s state ...
There are a lot of things that are changing,” he said about predicted state funding during a Dorchester County Council budget ...
Bradford House Apartments resident Linda Johnson doesn’t carry mace on her keychain anymore.
The re-introduction of Chestertown Resolution 06-2023 is more than strange. The resolution is more insult after injury on the ...
ANNAPOLIS – Lawmakers, renewable energy advocates and local farmers clashed Friday before the Education, Energy and the ...
Filing into the Kent Island Library meeting hall, disgruntled, frustrated and confused power customers sought information on ...
An independent view of the Queen Anne's County Public Schools budgetary process identified five problem areas in the process ...
Southern’s Eric Penkala, right, and Queen Anne’s County’s Ben Marks duel around a turn during the boys 1,600 meters at Friday ...
Sturgill, historian and author, is set to revive a nearly forgotten chapter of Chestertown’s past with her upcoming book, ...
Madelyn Matthews Hollis, 97, a dedicated educator who taught for more than three decades in Queen Anne’s County schools and ...
During his first week in office, President Donald Trump signed a series of executive orders that underscored his “America ...