Global Witness' investigative campaigners have taken aim at BP's u-turn on its green promises with ad van billboards around ...
Global Witness is today both alarmed and concerned at the repressive move by authorities in Azerbaijan to force the closure ...
Late last year, Germany’s governing coalition collapsed, forcing a snap election. As Germans are preparing to head to the ...
Meta is engaging in prohibited discrimination based on gender, according to a ruling from the Netherlands Institute for Human ...
日本の建設事業がどのようにマレーシア最後の熱帯雨林を破壊しているか 日本は2020年東京オリンピックまでにそのやり方を変えるだろうか 2020年のオリンピック開催に向けて、新たに建設される8つの競技施設を含め、東京では建設ラッシュが続くと見られ ...
We want a better world – where corruption is challenged and accountability prevails, all can thrive within the planet’s boundaries, and governments act in the public interest. By subscribing you ...
Responding to the European Commission’s proposal to rewrite the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, Beate Beller, campaigner at Global Witness said: ...
Fossil fuel companies have our future in a chokehold. They’ve captured our politicians’ ears, infiltrated climate summits and fuelled and funded war. All this while preserving their industry’s ...
We expose how the industries fuelling the climate crisis profit from destruction, and stand with the people fighting back.
Too many of the world’s biggest and most powerful corporations are profiting from practices that are destroying our planet. Companies have captured governments around the world through campaign ...
2021 年至 2023 年期间,为制造/建造电动汽车、风力涡轮机、太阳能电池板和电网而开采金属矿产的活动与 300 多起暴力、抗议 ...
We expose how the industries fuelling the climate crisis profit from destruction, and stand with the people fighting back.