Great Trethew Rally is at serious risk of not going ahead this year unless volunteers come forward to help run the event.
THIRTEEN organisations in Cornwall have received funding totalling more than £17,000 in the latest round of awards from the ...
Chair of Trustees for Callington Youth Project, Paul Carey, explained that the £500 from the police will be put to general ...
CANNABIS plants with an estimated street value of £250,000 have been seized as police forces across the South West have ...
The passport is impressive, issued on March 8, 1869, at the Foreign Office in London and personally signed by George William ...
A cheque for £350 was handed over by choir chairman Jon Kidd to trust representative Sarah Riggs at last week's choir ...
Forgive me if you’re reading this in Devon or elsewhere, but as a Cornishman I couldn’t let the day pass without celebrating ...
CONCERN over “camping” at a beauty spot in East Cornwall has led one van-lifer to appeal for understanding. Low wages, the ...
SCHOOLCHILDREN from across Cornwall are being invited to design a special logo that captures the essence of the Cornwall Seal ...
The economic impact of these two issues combined severely reduces the opportunities for individuals and businesses” ...
Bee has had times of homelessness before. His childhood was not easy to say the least, he says, and his experiences in early ...
Members of Oddfellows Friendship Groups celebrated the week when Cornwall’s patron saint of tinners, St. Piran, has been in ...