The federal government is promising billions in low-cost financing to help build thousands of rental homes in Toronto, including more than a thousand affordable units.
The British Columbia government says it is cancelling an incentive program meant to entice more homeowners to build secondary ...
Ontario Premier Doug Ford named a new cabinet Wednesday with many familiar faces to tackle the challenges that a trade war ...
Montreal has passed tighter restrictions for short-term rentals on platforms like Airbnb in a bid to ease the city's housing ...
First National posted a strong fourth quarter, with funded single-family residential mortgages surging 45% year-over-year.
Les capitaux étrangers ont afflué au Canada en janvier 2025. Les investisseurs internationaux, réagissant aux politiques commerciales américaines, ont massivement investi dans les obligations ...
The Canadian Real Estate Association says home sales in February fell to their lowest level in more than a year as homebuyers ...
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. says the annual pace of housing starts in February slowed 4% compared with January.
La Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement (SCHL) indique lundi que le rythme annuel des mises en chantier a ralenti de 4 % en février par rapport à janvier. L’organisme précise que le nombre ...