Read Part 1 and Part 2. The second front in our three-front war, according to the common saying, is “the flesh.” The Bible ...
When we first encounter Gideon, the fifth of the 12 leaders of Israel described in the book called Judges, he is definitely a ...
“Peter and Judas. While their lives ran parallel for much of the time we see them with Christ, their responses to sinful failure were vastly different. They both betrayed Christ, but what we see in ...
“While the SBC collects hundreds of millions in donations each year, very little is spent on overhead or oversight. Now, a series of lawsuits by pastors accused of abuse has left the denomination ...
Answer 6: God created them good 1 and in his own image, 2 that is, in true righteousness and holiness, 3 so that they might ...
“In my work as a biblical counselor, I’ve seen some badly behaved parents….While our culture presents cutting off your parents as a viable option for self-care, it isn’t the only option. What does the ...
“We can be known for ‘prophetic’ political commentary or we can be known for textually careful, biblically rich, theologically deep, church-focused gospel ministry.” - Kevin DeYoung ...
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. ( 1J 5.4) To ...
The question of whether the Bible teaches eternal security or that believers are “once saved always saved” is not uncommon at ...
“There is a difference between a predator and a wolf. A predator may come from anywhere. But the Bible gives a special warning about wolves—namely, church leaders who look the part but are dangerous.
“People I knew and loved walked in the other direction. A friend finally dared to approach me with a hug and talk with me. Once the ice was broken, a few others joined. But until that moment, it was ...