BEIJING, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) -- More than 304 million inter-regional passenger trips were made across China on Friday, the fourth day of this year's Spring Festival holiday, as the most celebrated holiday ...
"As countries continue to negotiate over emissions reductions, the lack of a binding global agreement has left many wondering whether the world can collectively avert the worst consequences of climate ...
1月26日是国际清洁能源日(International Day for Clean Energy)。2023年8月25日,联合国大会通过了设立这一国际日的决议,旨在呼吁人们提高认识,动员各方采取行动,以公正、包容的方式向清洁能源过渡,造福人类和地球。 2025年1月26日,全球迎来第二个国际清洁能源日。今年国际清洁能源日的主题为“清洁能源,点亮未来”(Clean Energy for a Brig ...