Beaches remain open but water users are urged to take caution around Rockingham after a tagged shark set off multiple alerts ...
AUSTRALIAN Defence Force (ADF) personnel were called to Scotts Head on Monday of last week to dispose of a military flare ...
Can Julian Wilson requalify for the Championship Tour? That's been the question ever since news broke that JW had earned ...
A concrete wall installed at an iconic Sydney beach is yet to be tested by the kinds of storms that once nearly washed 10 ...
An ice addicted dad who took part in a break and enter at his neighbour’s unit has finally been sentenced nearly seven years ...
This time around, it looks like a shark is the cause of an ongoing missing person case. In Australia, the police reported ...
Insane pictures reveal the damage wreaked at one of Australia’s most popular holiday spots and the frantic work being ...
He’s the rising wave-riding South Aussie artist with a gentle quirk factor as big as the ocean, winning fans across the globe ...