Across the country today, medical professionals are maiming and sterilizing a growing number of impressionable children under the radical and false claim that adults can change a child’s sex through a ...
The race-obsessives denounce Trump’s deportations. Kennedy was a vocal critic of abortion restrictions throughout his career, but now supports Trump’s position that it should be left to the ...
Myra Adams is a media producer and writer who served on the McCain Ad Council during the 2008 McCain campaign and on the 2004 Bush campaign creative team. ‘By 2034, the payroll taxes collected ...
Rebeccah Heinrichs is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and the director of Hudson’s Keystone Defense Initiative. Nuclear adversaries are betting on American fear of escalation and a lack ...
Matthew Yglesias thinks that National Review isn’t covering the Republican trifecta, but is instead interested only in “lib-owning.” He writes: National Review home page is a great case study in how ...
So proclaim the banners freshly raised on the Canadian Embassy, a 1989 brutalist behemoth in downtown D.C. As the only country with an embassy on Pennsylvania Avenue (the street that connects the ...
Informing illegal immigrants of their basic legal rights is an absolutely legitimate work of mercy. Teaching them how to evade the application of laws is not.
And it’s easy enough to see why it sold a gazillion copies when it was published in June 1974 as the Watergate scandal headed toward its frenzied conclusion. (I’m aware that Woodward/Bernstein don’t ...
The EU has used trumped-up ‘antitrust’ complaints as a device to loot U.S. high tech companies for years. The appropriate response should be retaliation.
Mr. Dalrymple, a retired doctor, is a contributing editor of City Journal and The New English Review. He is the author of False Positive: A Year of Error, Omission, and Political Correctness in ...