Could 2025 be the year marine protection efforts get a “glow up”? According to a team of conservation-minded researchers, including Octavio Aburto of UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography ...
How will California be impacted by climate change? California is the most populous state in the United States and a global economic powerhouse. The state, however, has one of the world’s most varied ...
The study of the processes that lead to the formation, growth, and precipitation of clouds in the boundary layer of the lower atmosphere. Develops models and analyzes observations to understand the ...
Develops models and analyzes observations to understand the microphysical and chemical evolution of aerosol particles in the atmosphere. Studies fundamental physical processes that govern terrestrial ...
The study of the interactions between the oceans and land and the processes that shape coastal features and transport sediment and other materials near coastlines. Specializing in estuarine and ...
One of Scripps's longest-running data centers, serving reference-quality hydrographic ocean data to an international community for over 20 years The Global Ocean Biogeochemical float program supports ...