Als aanvulling op deze maatregelen op het gebied van reclame en verkooppraktijken werkt de EU aan nieuwe, specifiekere regels ...
Find out what the EU is doing to ensure businesses substantiate their green claims and to prevent consumers from being ...
Skopri x'qed tagħmel l-UE biex tiżgura li n-negozji jissostanzjaw l-asserzjonijiet ekoloġiċi tagħhom u biex tipprevjeni ...
Tietoa siitä, miten EU varmistaa, että yritykset perustelevat ympäristöväittämänsä, ja estää kuluttajia joutumasta viherpesun ...
Научете как единният пазар гарантира свободното движение на стоки, услуги, капитали и хора, стимулира растежа и насърчава ...
Uzziniet, ko ES dara, lai nodrošinātu, ka uzņēmumi pamato savas zaļuma norādes, un lai nepieļautu, ka patērētāji kļūst par ...
Fique a par do que a UE está a fazer para garantir que as empresas fundamentam as suas alegações ecológicas e para evitar que ...
Was die EU unternimmt, um sicherzustellen, dass Unternehmen ihre Umweltaussagen begründen, und um zu verhindern, dass ...
Cyber threats are increasing in volume and complexity. EU countries are strengthening cybersecurity to safeguard critical ...
How the EU protects democratic processes against the harmful effects of disinformation and information manipulation and ...
Scopri cosa sta facendo l'UE per garantire che le imprese attestino le loro asserzioni ambientali e per evitare che i ...
Aflați ce face UE pentru a combate propaganda teroristă în Europa, pentru a preveni radicalizarea și pentru a lupta împotriva ...