This is where companies showcase what they do at stands and in presentations. Their stands are usually staffed with a lot of representatives from various departments of the company. The Career Center ...
George Haller, Professor für Nichtlineare Dynamik am Departement für Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik der ETH Zürich, wird ...
MAN Energy Solutions Schweiz AG and ETH Zurich are forming a strategic partnership to support postdoctoral researchers in the field of sector coupling and energy models. The aim is to analyse European ...
ETH transfer ist die Patent- und Lizenzgruppe der ETH Zürich. ETH transfer schützt geistiges Eigentum und verhandelt Lizenzverträge für ETH Zürich Technologien. ETH transfer ist der Vizepräsidentin ...
ETH Zurich researchers have developed an AI tool that helps to keep bridges in operation for longer and conserve resources without running a disproportionate risk of accident. In collaboration with ...
Researchers have created a detailed atlas of cellular changes in obese people. The atlas can be used to search for biological indicators that provide information on the risk of developing a metabolic ...
For the best possible start in your Master’s degree studies at ETH and in Switzerland in general we support you with numerous events. Participate and use the opportunity to meet your fellow students ...
ETH researchers are working intensively on cell therapies in which they make targeted modifications to bodily cells with a view to restoring disrupted metabolic functions. Suitable switches, ...
Die ETH Zürich ist eine Lehr- und Forschungseinrichtung von Weltrang. Menschen aus der ganzen Welt haben das gemeinsame Ziel, junge Leute auszubilden, immer weiter in Forschungsgebiete vorzudringen, ...
Since ETH Zurich was founded, its mission has been to serve society. The university fulfils this mission by educating the next generation of critical and creative thinkers and engaged citizens.
Architecture does not only involve construction. It also comprises a search for creative solutions which address the conflicting issues of building, living and working require­ments, aesthetic ...
The field of geomatics comprises geographic information science and cartography, geo­desy and navigation, cadastral and land surveying, engineering geodesy and geomoni­toring, remote sensing and ...