As another year draws to a close, we are excited about what lies ahead. We published more than 300 articles this year alone and have continued receiving an average of more than 1.5 million visitors ...
This article was written by Jeff P. Hutson and is reposted with permission. We’ve heard about the scandal for months. 600+ pages of proof, evidence, and documents. Yet there is still so much ...
Former IL AG candidate Tom DeVore Files Second Lawsuit (Darren Bailey et al. v. Pritzker et al.) Over Unconstitutional Assault Weapons Ban Greenville, IL – On January 20, 2023 the Honorable Joshua ...
The Village of Dolton’s legal representative, Del Galdo Law Group, LLC, has filed a motion to withdraw citing Supreme Court Rule 1.16(a)(6). 1.16(a)(6) -(a) Except as stated in paragraph (c), a lawyer ...
Something to think about: This police officer, had he been serving this year, would have been exempted from the “assault” weapons ban, free to purchase and possess all the “assault” weapons he pleased ...
On November 5, 2024, we published an article entitled “Three Accident(s), DUI, Drugs, Prosecution Failures, Violation of Federal CDL Law, Death of Deputy” which was part one of a series explaining how ...
Jersey County Treasurer Katie Abbey has been under investigation by the Illinois State Police Public Integrity Unit since at least October of 2024, after allegations surfaced of her misappropriation ...
Shelby County and the Shelby County Dive Team were once again named Defendants in a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) Lawsuit alleging the county and its dive team failed to properly respond to ...
Since May of 2021, Tiffany Henyard, Mayor of Dolton, Illinois has had her personal security detail follow her around nearly 24 hours a day. Payroll has exceeded $258,000 paid by Dolton taxpayers ...
During a recent trip to Arkansas, I had to clean up the coffee I spit from my mouth upon being told the local school had installed litter boxes in the bathrooms for the “cat” kids. The story continued ...
In another defeat for Tiffany Henyard, Village of Dolton Mayor Pro Tem Jason House, and Trustees Brittney Norwood, Kiana Belcher, and Tammy Brown, filed for Temporary Restraining Orders against Dolton ...
The Mahomet Township Road District Highway Commissioner Chris Doenitz appears to have been put on notice by the Attorney ...