ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka stocks closed up 0.04 percent Friday despite month-end selling pressure, brokers said. The ASPI closed up 0.04 percent or 7.52 points at 17,122.73; while the more liquid S&P ...
Representatives from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Sri Lankan officials have discussed planned projects aimed at developing the country's tourism sector at a meeting on Thursday at the ...
Sri Lanka's coconut auction was conducted at a fixed price of 140,000 rupees for a thousand nuts, for the second week on January 30, after the average price 145,687 on January 09, official data show.
Sri Lanka’s rupee was quoted at 297.30/40 to the US dollar in the spot market Friday, stronger from 297.70/85 to the US dollar Thursday, dealers said, while bond yields were broadly flat.