消防、工业、农业、探月、物流……中国机器人在各领域大显身手。#机器人 #科技 #AI #两会 Cứu hỏa, công nghiệp, nông nghiệp, thám hiểm mặt trăng, hậu cần… Robot Trung Quốc đang thể hiện khả năng vượt trội trong nhiều lĩnh vực. #Robot #CôngNghệ ...
每经AI快讯,据华大智造官微消息,华大智造新一代实验室AI+机器人αLab Robot首秀。从四轴到六轴机械臂,从灵活转运到复合协作,开启全流程无人化实验新时代。专为实验室设计,能在狭小空间灵活操作,高精度,高效执行,是实验室自动化操作的理想选择。
人民财讯3月4日电,华大智造新一代实验室AI+机器人首秀。从四轴到六轴机械臂,从灵活转运到复合协作,开启全流程无人化实验新时代。专为实验室设计,能在狭小空间灵活操作,高精度,高效执行,是实验室自动化操作的理想选择。华大智造副总裁杨梦表示:“华大智造aLab ...
吴说获悉,MEV 基础设施 FastLane Labs 宣布完成 600 万美元融资,Figment Capital 和 DBA 领投,Coinbase Ventures、Robot Ventures、Hashkey Capital、CHORUS ONE 等参投。新资金将用于在 Monad 上打造全方位流动性质押代币。
The cooking robot is just one of the many kinds of robots being manufactured or used in Tangshan. In the city's Hi-tech ...
China's tech hub Shenzhen has formulated a new action plan to boost the embodied intelligent robotics sector, aiming for an ...
In a scene straight from science fiction, dozens of UBTech's Walker S humanoid robots are at work in a Shenzhen automotive ...