Lachlan Murdoch said Fox is targeting a fall football season launch for its new streaming platform run by Pete Distad with ... -- Fox Corp (NASDAQ: FOXA) CEO Lachlan Murdoch recently discussed the company’s plans for a new streaming ...
Fox Corp expects to attract an initial subscriber base in the “mid-single digit millions” for its upcoming streaming platform ...
Fox Corp's upcoming subscription streaming service is expected to draw subscribers in the mid-single-digit millions range, ...
The NFL can opt out of its broadcast contracts as soon as the end of the 2029 season, and Fox could see it as an opportunity.
观点网讯:3月4日,福克斯公司首席执行官Lachlan Murdoch在摩根士丹利科技、媒体和电信会议上表示,该公司计划于2025年底前推出一项尚未命名的订阅流媒体服务,预计将吸引数百万用户。这一举措旨在实现收入来源多元化,并吸引更多旗舰有线电视业务以外的观众。据了解,福克斯已任命前Apple TV+高管Pete ...
格隆汇3月4日|据路透,福克斯公司首席执行官Lachlan ...