IMAX China is a subsidiary of IMAX Corporation and was incorporated as a limited liability company under the laws of Cayman Islands. IMAX China was established by IMAX Corporation specifically to ...
University 16 Cinema patrons will soon have the option of seeing Hollywood blockbusters on the largest screen in Athens.
Chinese New Year box office is off to a big start in the home market with records for first-day grosses overall and for Imax ...
2025年中国电影市场春节档以“史上最强”的姿态圆满收官,IMAX再次以卓越的表现成为市场焦点。据国家电影局统计,截至2月5日9时,2025年春节档电影票房达95.10亿元,大幅刷新中国影史春节档最高票房纪录。IMAX也宣布录得3.8亿元人民币的春节 ...
2025年春节档落下帷幕,今天六部电影中五部拥有IMAX格式。据悉,今年IMAX春节档自1月29日(大年初一)起,至2月4日(大年初七)止,历时七日,整体走势呈现“高调开局,高位持续”的鲜明特点。这个春节档视听巨制云集,宏大场面与极致特效营造大量银幕 ...
IMAX captured 5% of the Chinese New Year box office to date with 1% of the total screens, marking its highest percentage of ...
The event will be held at the IMAX HQ and will be followed by a Q&A moderated by Collider’s Steve Weintraub. As if hearing ...
China began ushering in the Year of the Snake last Wednesday, as local audiences sank their teeth into a host of new films ...