Tim Flannery searches for leadership on climate change, looking for the leaders who will drive change and how they will ...
Tim Flannery searches for leadership on climate change, looking for the leaders who will drive change and how they will ...
"As countries continue to negotiate over emissions reductions, the lack of a binding global agreement has left many wondering whether the world can collectively avert the worst consequences of climate ...
例句 They argued that a narrow focus on wind, water and solar would make tackling climate change more diff icult and expensive ...
"The United States notified the Secretary-General, in his capacity as depositary, of its withdrawal, on 27 January 2025, from the Paris Agreement of 12 December 2015," Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for ...
研究结果表明,与不采取气候干预措施的情景相比,采取气候干预措施的情景将提高印度水稻和小麦的产量,但也有一些限制。首先,地球工程有助于维持作物生长的理想温度范围,但不能改变气候变化导致的极端降水或干旱。结果还表明,旱作雨养小麦比灌溉小麦从干预中获益更多 ...
研究构建了涵盖 1954 - 2022 年中国气候变化政策严格程度的数据集,包含 2216 条经过清洗和整理的政策记录。数据集以年序列格式组织,详细记录了每条政策的多种信息,如政策类型、所属领域、手动评级和机器学习计算的严格程度得分等。同时,提供了多层跨部门词汇表的整体版本和拆分版本,以及 README 文件指导数据使用和分析。
2025年洛杉矶大火是加州历史上最具破坏性的火灾之一,至少有16000座房屋被烧毁,18万人被迫转移,经济损失高达数千亿美元。本文基于现有信息简明地描述了此次火灾的影响和成因,介绍野地-城市交界区在野火管理中的关键意义,并提出政策建议。导 ...
US President Donald Trump late Monday signed an executive order to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord. The move means the United States will pull out of the Paris climate accord ...
BEIJING, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday exchanged congratulations with Colombian President Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego over the 45th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ...
同时, 目前的“退群潮”与其说是迫于国际治理体系的现状,不如说是各国国内政治立场的折射。