Specialists of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov have created a hardware and software ...
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At the same time, the airlines of the two countries have agreed to launch direct flights from Moscow as early as 2025, and ...
Secretary General of the organization Imangali Tasmagambetov — on the expansion of NATO, conflict potential in Eurasia and ...
The Hungry World is a collection of horror stories about the scariest things that are very close and already here.
The Ministry of Culture is preparing agreements on joint film production with seven countries, Izvestia has learned. Among ...
Despite the emergency regime, the region is preparing for the summer season and plans to attract tourists with discounts and special programs.
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The musical is a relatively new type of entertainment for Russia. The country's first original musical performance was staged ...
Secondary sanctions are preventing Russia and Mongolia from establishing direct flights between the capitals, Russian ...
Experts have disabled the myostatin gene in fish, which limits the increase in muscle mass. According to the calculations of ...
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