MAN Energy Solutions Schweiz AG and ETH Zurich are forming a strategic partnership to support postdoctoral researchers in the field of sector coupling and energy models. The aim is to analyse European ...
The ETH Zurich MedLab Fellowship programme (MedLab Fellows) supports incoming medical doctors at ETH Zurich. It aims to promote young researchers who have already demonstrated scientific excellence in ...
George Haller, Professor für Nichtlineare Dynamik am Departement für Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik der ETH Zürich, wird ...
Warum Informatik? Video mit aktuellen und ehemaligen Studierenden. Die Informatik ist Grundlagenwissenschaft und Ingenieursdisziplin zugleich und treibt gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche ...
1855 unter dem Namen «Polytechnikum» gegründet, ist die ETH Zürich von Beginn an eine nationale Bildungsstätte mit internationaler Ausstrahlung, die Talente aus aller Welt anzieht. Die erfolgreiche ...
Whether as part of a public tour or a themed tour: ETH Zurich offers interesting insights at the two campuses in the centre and on the Hönggerberg as well as at other locations. Any Tuesday evening, ...
ETH Zürich Wählen Sie ein Departement Departemente D-ARCH: Architektur D-BAUG: Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik D-BSSE: Biosysteme D-INFK: Informatik D-ITET: Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik D-MATL: ...
FAQ Bachelor Frequently asked questions on application with non- Swiss matriculation certificate Before contacting us by email, please read our FAQs.You will find a list of frequently asked questions.
The table below provides an overview of the status of our individual e-learning services. Every five minutes a virtual end user tests each service, and the table is immediately updated. The support ...
The “ETH/PRIO Civil Conflict CeaseFire” (CF) dataset is the first comprehensive global dataset covering the full range of ceasefire arrangements in civil conflicts between 1989 and 2020. In total, the ...
The Willi Studer Prize, part of the bequest of entrepreneur Dr. h.c. Willi Studer, has been awarded since 1993 to the best student in each ETH Zurich Master’s degree programme according to the ...
ETH Zurich researchers have developed an AI tool that helps to keep bridges in operation for longer and conserve resources without running a disproportionate risk of accident. In collaboration with ...