The prize recognises Roelvink's dedication to showcasing high-quality international cinema, highlighting the essential role ...
07/02/2025 - Le film de Rachel Lang, qui se déploie entre le désert nigérien et les sommets enneigés des Alpes, suit la quête ...
A wounded agent's quest for the truth and redemption takes centre stage in Rachel Lang’s movie, which unfolds in the deserts ...
07/02/2025 - El cineasta manchego debuta en el largometraje con un ramillete de historias protagonizadas por seres de este y ...
Statistics reveal increased overall spending in film and high-end television production in the UK, yet a worrying 22% decrease in domestic HETV production spend ...
The survival-thriller follows a social-media influencer played by Ingrid Torelli, who faces lethal dangers in the Devil's Triangle ...
Also starring Raffey Cassidy, the upcoming body-thriller will be featured in Beta Cinema’s slate for the upcoming EFM ...
Gli esperti affronteranno il tema di come l'industria possa superare l'immagine di un cinema europeo “lost in translation” ...
Interpretato anche da Raffey Cassidy, l'imminente body-thriller sarà presente nel listino di Beta Cinema al prossimo EFM ...
Los expertos tratarán cómo la industria puede superar la imagen de un cine europeo "perdido en traducción" para la juventud ...
The Austrian director unpicks her portrait of a woman and mother, detailing her inspiration and how her own background ...
Il venditore francese si occuperà delle prevendite dell'attesissimo The Chronology of Water di Kristen Stewart e Resurrection ...