All change in Irish Rugby There’s been a lot of rugby news in the media in the past week following on from the somewhat ...
I was at a business event. Tesla had a stall there, and being a geek, I wandered over to look at the cars. The salesguy ...
I’m just back from another visit to the lads at Modern Tyres—another puncture! This is my third in less than six months, ...
Recent polls have shown that sixty percent of voters in both the North, and the Republic believe it is important for governments to be for the reunification of Ireland.There are two points that most ...
The nearly 300 year old law (the Administration of Justice (Language) Act (Ireland) 1737 to be specific) which bans the use of the Irish language in British courts is to be repealed according to this ...
It is unusual for NI to have a period of more than two years between elections. It has only happened twice before in the last 50 years. With last year’s Westminster election receding rapidly into the ...
Friedrich Merz looks like he will be the next German Chancellor. Where his predecessors were ambivalent about European defence, Mr. Merz has been far more clear. In fact, he has said it is his number ...
The Look North Festival is back this Friday and will run throughout the weekend, promoting the best of North Belfast. We are back with our event, which will examine some of the challenges and ...
There are historical examples where companies did indeed run countries but not for the good of the citizens. The British East India Company effectively ran India for over 70 years during the late 18 ...
Ah, Brexit, the biggest act of self-sabotage in UK history, continues to have its ripples. The FT reports that Irish passport applications from Britain are at their highest peak ever as people look ...
I am going to return to the theme of my last blog earlier this month: the need for a forum to discuss not the constitutional politics which continue to divide the people of this island, but the values ...
Martin Dillon’s new book is ‘The Sorrow and the Loss—The Tragic Shadow Cast by the Troubles on the Lives of Women,’ and today’s papers are full of choice extracts. Here is a roundup: MI5 ‘tampered ...