This ship started from the Greek port of AGEAI Theodoroi and was directed to Hull, In Yorkshire. At the time of the accident ...
In the last hours an apparently threatening phrase “Starlink is the backbone of the Ukrainian army. The whole first line ...
The topical returns the Dear Caffèdue to international rates of the raw material that travel on Historical maximums, for the ...
If there is a distinctive feature of the policy of Donald Trump towards the scienceit is the tendency to downsize ...
Just 5 weeks later, a second accident involved the extraction plants of BAIA bag always in Romania, following a new wave of ...
Between masks, confetti, traditional desserts and celebrations, this year the Carnival marks an increase in the average costs ...
Nexi puts on the plate 600 million euros between dividends and repurchase of their own shares (Buyback), showing that 2024 ...
The Pniec (Integrated national plan for energy and climate) provides that Italy is oriented towards a mix of renewables ...
The Capital accumulation plan (PAC) is a form of “intelligent savings” based on Investments in installmentsin other words a ...
The Friuli-Venezia Giulia It is a region with a special statute of theNorth-eastern Italy. The double name immediately ...
In the first half of 2024, micro -enterprises incurred costs for electricity more than twice and a half higher than ...
Liquidity on accounts currents of Italians returns to grow, with an increase of almost 20 billion euro in one year.