Michael Harrington was America’s most eloquent voice for democratic socialism for decades. His great passion: to create a society that is both economically and politically democratic – a society freed ...
Toby Greene is a Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, and former deputy-editor of Fathom. His publications include: ‘The Israelization of British Jewry‘ (with Yossi Shain). We invite ...
When Otto Feuer, of blessed memory, was liberated from Buchenwald in April 1945, he made his way to Paris. A border guard generously advised: ‘vous savez, en France on n’aime pas les Juifs’ [you know, ...
Centrism is ‘the antidote to the extremism and sustained attacks on liberal democracy that are sweeping much of the democratic world.’ So writes Yair Zivan, the editor of this timely volume, setting ...
Since 2013, Professor Cohen-Almagor has been conducting a comprehensive research project whose aim is to provide a detailed analysis of three decades of peace negotiations between Israel and the ...
Chairwoman of the Status of Women Committee MK Aliza Lavie attends a ‘status of Women’ meeting, 3 September 2014. Photo by Noam Revkin Fenton. Flash90.
BICOM Chief Executive James Sorene spoke with Koby Huberman, who was a high tech entrepreneur before it was fashionable, and now head of the Israel Peace Initiative (IPI). The IPI advocates a regional ...
Former Chief of Staff Chaim Bar-Lev consults with a bandaged Major General Ariel Sharon during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. GPO / Flash 90.
Matthias Kuntzel is the author of the award-winning book Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11. In this essay in intellectual history he argues that the main cause of both ...
Sherman, JHFE Endowed Chair in Judaic Studies at the University of Louisville, surveys the life and work of the great A.B.
Error: No content files found.Sängerin Lydia Ly (aus dem Westerwald) singt zu Trauerfeiern, Hochzeiten, Taufen und vieles mehr… Die mp3-Version können Sie in meinem Shop auf der Homepage käuflich ...
In Cape Town, protesters march against increased Israeli “security” measures at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in 2017. Photo by Ashraf Hendricks, GroundUp.