George Haller, Professor für Nichtlineare Dynamik am Departement für Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik der ETH Zürich, wird ...
MAN Energy Solutions Schweiz AG and ETH Zurich are forming a strategic partnership to support postdoctoral researchers in the field of sector coupling and energy models. The aim is to analyse European ...
The ETH Zurich MedLab Fellowship programme (MedLab Fellows) supports incoming medical doctors at ETH Zurich. It aims to promote young researchers who have already demonstrated scientific excellence in ...
Im März können Sie Ihr Wissen zu einem Thema im Bereich KI oder Forschungsarbeit in nur 15 Minuten mit den Coffee Lectures der ETH-Bibliothek erweitern – ohne Anmeldung und via Zoom.
(Foto: Kuster Frey) In den Laboren wird interdisziplinär im Bereich der Medizintechnik geforscht. (Foto: Kuster Frey) Ein öffentliches Restaurant bietet ETH-Angehörigen und Quartiersbewohnenden die ...
International students can find information on entry, residence permits, insurance, practicals and employment during their study programme.
All the Bachelor’s degree programmes at ETH Zurich are described on the following pages. Please refer any questions directly to the contact person listed for the individual degree programmes. Please ...
Only a limited number of courses offered by the ETH Library and university teaching are listed on this page. The complete range of courses can be found on the respective webpages. The Lifelong ...
The cost of living in Switzerland is very high. You can gain an overview of the costs you are likely to incur by drawing up a personal budget. The list below can be used as a guide (source: external ...
The Office of the President provides strategic and operational services to advance ETH Zurich and the President's vision and priorities. It is comprised of teams that are responsible for coordinating ...
FAQ Bachelor Frequently asked questions on application with non- Swiss matriculation certificate Before contacting us by email, please read our FAQs.You will find a list of frequently asked questions.
Via myStudies ETH students may view and/or print out all of the decreed results in the transcript of records. The transcript of records may be issued as an original in either German or English.