Momika, an immigrant from Iraq, had gained notoriety in recent years for lighting copies of the Quran aflame during public demonstrations against Islam. Late last month he stepped onto his balcony and ...
Salwan Momika, an Iraqi man who sparked outrage by staging Quran-burning protests in Sweden in 2023, has been shot dead, according to Swedish authorities. A spokesperson for Sweden’s prosecutor ...
一名在瑞典多次焚烧《古兰经》的伊拉克男子萨尔万·莫米卡 (Salwan Momika),在斯德哥尔摩附近的枪击事件中身亡。38 岁的莫米卡是伊拉克流亡者 ...
Salwan Momika caused widespread anger when he staged multiple Koran burnings in 2023. He was due to receive a verdict in a criminal trial in connection with the burnings today.
Salwan Momika, an Iraqi man known for his controversial acts of burning multiple copies of Islam's holy text, the Quran, has been found dead in Sweden, according to a report from the Associated ...
Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika, who was shot dead late Wednesday in Sweden, stoked international controversy with his Koran burnings.
Salwan Momika, an Iraqi refugee involved in Quran-burning protests in Sweden, was shot dead on Wednesday night. Momika faced hate crime charges and ha ...
STOCKHOLM (AP) — An Iraqi man who carried out several Quran burnings in Sweden has been killed in a shooting near Stockholm, authorities said Thursday. Salwan Momika, 38, staged several burnings and ...
Police announced on Thursday that they had made five arrests in connection with the murder of 38-year-old Salwan Momika, who was reportedly shot in a house in the town of Sodertalje near Stockholm ...
A Stockholm court was due to rule on Thursday whether Salwan Momika, a Christian Iraqi who burned Qurans at a slew of protests, was guilty of inciting ethnic hatred. It postponed the ruling until ...
In August, Momika and a fellow protester Salwan Najem were charged with 'agitation against an ethnic group' on four occasions in the summer of 2023. According to the charge sheet, the two ...
The Koran burning by Salwan Momika in front of a mosque nearly derailed Sweden's entry into NATO last year. Officials said he was shot while livestreaming just before midnight and was pronounced ...