Nokia, StarHub and 4G

StarHub is harnessing Red Hat OpenShift to power its hybrid multi-cloud platform, balancing control over critical infrastructure with the scalability and flexibility of public cloud.
ICC讯 StarHub是新加坡最大的运营商之一,拥有超过200万用户。该公司与诺基亚在网络APIs方面展开合作,以支持StarHub为其客户创造新的收入机会并将其网络资产货币化的使命。两家公司将共同帮助开发人员创建5G和4G应用程序,如银行、金融、港口和其他垂直企业所需的设备状态和服务质量。
Victims were told that their mobile numbers had been used for criminal activities abroad. Read more at
StarHub’s 5G and 4G networks will connect to Nokia’s Network as Code platform with developer portal to give developers a seamless pathway for creating new applications.